Shared 13 March, 2024
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Phil Jenkins, Peabody’s Executive Director of Development, has been appointed Chief Investment Officer (effective 1 April 2025). He will lead a new Investment directorate focused on both Peabody residents’ existing homes and the new ones the group plans to build.
The new directorate combines the Development and Property Services & Assets teams into one. This aligns with Peabody’s vision to ensure its homes and neighbourhoods continue to meet residents’ needs when the organisation celebrates its 200th anniversary in 2062.
This will build on Peabody’s existing priorities of getting the basics right and putting residents first. The move aims to deliver better services and better homes and places for the long-term.
Peter Evans, currently Executive Director of Property Services & Assets at Peabody, has decided to step back from full-time work and will leave on 31 May. Peter will hand over his responsibilities to Phil, as part of the new Investment directorate.
Ian McDermott, Chief Executive of Peabody, said: “Financial and organisational resilience are essential for us to deliver good services and homes for residents. Bringing these services together is a key part of joining up our long-term investment in homes from the very start ensuring they meet residents’ needs throughout their lifetime.
“I’d like to thank Peter for everything he’s done for residents over the past six years and wish him the best for the future.”
Phil Jenkins said: “I’m very much looking forward to leading this new directorate from April. We’ll be working together to expand on what we’ve already achieved to deliver better homes and services for residents, as we continue to spend £1m a day on maintaining and improving homes.
“By bringing these services together, we’ll have a single and more integrated view of our existing homes and the ones we’re building now and in the future.”
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*Offer ends on Friday, 7th February.