Shared 10 February, 2024
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Vienna-based proptech startup Synaps has emerged from two years of stealth mode with €1.4 million pre-launch investment.
Operating as the “Figma for Architects,” the company unveiled a collaborative architectural planning tool that integrates all the processes an architect needs into a single platform.
Founder Brendon Ahmeti explains:
“We’ve developed a multiplayer editor that works as simply and intuitively as using a pencil.”
Synaps contends that industry leader AutoCAD, developed by Autodesk, has hardly driven innovation in the last nearly 40 years.
Due to the lack of contemporary features such as real-time collaboration, intuitive user interface, browser-based access, or an active community, AutoCAD is gradually becoming outdated.
Synaps combines architectural and planning elements and plans to include advanced post-production features in the future (e.g., layer effects like shadows, lighting, blur, blending modes, and tools like brushes and magic wands). These features will enable users to create impressive architectural plans and presentations with minimal effort.
Notably, CPO Kevin believes it is unlikely that market leader AutoCAD will catch up quickly because it “would need to completely rebuild its product from scratch”.
He asserts that over the years, this has made the software “very sluggish, more complex, and harder to learn”.
“It feels like it takes months or even years to fully master AutoCAD, while with Synaps, it will only take days.
Autodesk also has a functioning business model, so they don’t see any urgent need for innovation in this area. If things go as planned, we should soon be more agile and versatile in every field. We will offer both old and completely new features, all at a significantly better price-to-performance ratio.”
The Synaps entire software architecture is designed for browser, with features continuously added on top, It allows users to hold completely remote feedback sessions and location-independently directly within the editor, assigning specific tasks to different stakeholders simultaneously and at the same time.
Subscribers will soon pay a completely transparent monthly usage fee, but no longer have to purchase expensive licenses, while viewers can use the platform for free on an ongoing basis.
Even before the first launch, the market itself demonstrated how significant the interest and demand for change in this industry appear to be.
Without any marketing efforts, over 8,000 architects, planners, and others have already registered for the beta version over the past few months. They will gradually gain access, allowing them to explore the future possibilities for their daily work.
Synaps will begin granting phased access to its platform starting today.
The round is raised from a variety of business angels such as former JP Immobilien CEO Martin Müller or success story Silicon-Valley founder Fredrik Björk (CEO of Grafbase), alongside Austria’s Research Promotion Agency (FFG).
According to investor Martin Müller (previously Rendity, Trovato, Puck):
“After more than 20 years in the real estate industry and with an IT background, I am well aware of the incredible inefficiencies in building planning.
Synaps has all the attributes and the right team to put an end to this chaos in daily collaboration among stakeholders. The product has tremendous scaling potential and could eventually succeed globally.”
Synaps is currently fully focused on further product development, with key features such as geometric shapes and operations, as well as real-time collaboration (CAD tools), taking centre stage.
By the time the full beta version launches in the second quarter of 2025, additional features like walls, windows, doors, and comprehensive post-production tools will be available, making the product fully functional before the summer.
A completely new AI feature is already being developed, which, according to Synaps, can potentially be a game-changer for the entire architectural design industry.
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*Offer ends on Friday, 7th February.