Why The Real Estate Industry Lags Behind In Technology—And How To Get Ahead

Shared Dec 27, 2022

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Arian Nemati is a serial entrepreneur and investor for the proptech and real estate industry. Currently CEO of ADEx and active member of YPO.
We are in the midst of the “proptech revolution.”
Proptech, or property technology, is the broad term used to encompass the introduction of new technologies to the real estate industry. Proptech includes everything from the creation of new “smart homes” to online booking systems for property viewings.
While few would disagree that these technologies have become an integral component of most industries, it’s also the case that real estate and property management businesses have been relatively slow to embrace the proptech revolution. In fact, it has only been within the past ten years or so that real estate companies have begun investing in proptech. We can track the growth in interest in proptech by looking at its financial growth—in 2011, the proptech industry generated about $186 million in annual revenue. By 2019, that figure reached a staggering $31.6 billion and continues to increase in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.
So, why do over half of American real estate companies report plans to stop or decrease their investment in new technologies in 2023? Are we really on the verge of a real estate technology takeover, or will the industry continue to lag behind others on this front?
The answer to this apparent conundrum is multi-faceted and complex, but understanding why the real estate industry has been so hesitant to invest in new technologies will help us address—and debunk—some concerns that are ultimately hindering their growth.
Cost And ROI
There’s no way around it: Technology can be expensive. Most hardware and software proptech not only have startup costs but also require regular maintenance in the form of updates, subscriptions and specialized support. To a real estate business or property management firm that has been using fax machines and word-of-mouth marketing for decades, the financial investment in something like a mobile app, intelligent document processor or personalized booking software might seem too steep.
While in many cases, these initial costs are fairly hefty, firms often fail to consider what the return on their investment would look like should they introduce certain proptech components to their business. In 2021, over half of homebuyers reported using the Internet to locate and purchase their property as opposed to a realtor or yard sign. Most renters—both commercial and residential—prefer to pay rent digitally as well. The market increasingly expects to be able to conduct their business online, and in order to stay up-to-date with demand, real estate companies must shift their own businesses to accommodate.
Ultimately, the market has shown that undertaking a modernization effort will yield a positive return on investment while preparing firms for the next generation of real estate.
Another common concern about proptech that real estate companies have is the capability of their firm to integrate new technology into their current systems. Employees may be accustomed to doing things a certain way, and even the most tech-savvy of agents may struggle to adapt their workflow to accommodate the new piece of technology. What’s the point of investing in a new system if employees don’t want or don’t know how to use it?
While this is a valid concern, managers must think about the bigger picture when faced with this dilemma. Manual processes, such as creating rent rolls or conducting audits by hand, may feel normal and necessary, but introducing automation or artificial intelligence into your workflow can offer massive dividends in terms of time saved and accuracy. This can enable employees to spend less time on “busy work” and more time closing deals, strategizing and working with clients.
The growing pains, therefore, will be worth it in the long run. And there are many ways to lessen them, such as providing training sessions and hiring a consultant to assist with the integration efforts. You can also be sure to choose a product or solution that can be tailored to fit in with your existing workflows. All of this can mitigate the initial headaches that come with transforming your business to be a tech-forward one.
Data Security Concerns
Since the 2008 market crash, regulatory compliance has gotten much stricter. And in the era of big data, GDPR and other data protection initiatives, firms are under more pressure than ever to ensure that the data they collect and use is secure. Understandably, real estate and property management firms are often hesitant to adopt data-driven technologies and worry that the software they choose will lead to data breaches, leaked information and the legal aftermath.
What many firms don’t know is that paper-based storage systems can fall into non-compliance very easily. For example, to be GDPR-compliant, a company must ensure that all documents containing personal information must be kept in a secure cabinet, only accessible to those who have been given consent to view. These documents must also be easy to locate, with all changes recorded. And if documents need to be moved, shared or scanned, companies must find ways to password-protect scanners and printers while restricting access to a limited number of people. Non-compliance with any of these regulations can result in millions of dollars of fines.
Investing in a piece of smart technology with built-in data security mechanisms can safeguard your business from these risks. In fact, many pieces of proptech are created to alert businesses in danger of non-compliance, providing companies with warnings that they would not otherwise have. Plus, technologies like artificial intelligence can take human error out of the equation, eliminating the possibility of losing personal data due to employee mistakes.
Stay Ahead Of The Curve
The proptech revolution, while undeniably disruptive, is still in the early adopters phase. Many are understandably hesitant to take the plunge, but a cost-benefit analysis will typically show that the benefits outweigh the risks. In fact, now is a great opportunity to get ahead and reap the rewards that proptech can bring before the competition catches up. If you want your real estate business to thrive in years to come, it’s time to start thinking about ways to get ahead.
Source: Forbes

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